All posts in Business Process Reengineering

Which is more important–culture or strategy?

Our answer is clearly culture! We agree with Leslie Bradshaw at Jess3 (and we’re big fans). Is it really a choice though?  Paying appropriate attention to strategy and planning is part of an adaptive culture. We think that the modern social, digital business has an iterative process for regularly re-examining its own culture. (more…)


Social Learning as an Employee Development Solution

Guest Post by workplace learning, performance, and communication expert Halelly Azulay, President of TalentGrow and author of  Employee Development on a Shoestring

Photo by arvindgrover via Flickr

What is Social Learning?

Social learning, or Learning 2.0, is a general name given to multiple collaborative online tools for sharing knowledge, building relationships, and interacting with content and with other members of the online community. These tools allow learners to learn independently, more quickly, and more efficiently, and to be more productive and effective as a result. Most of the content in these systems is user generated and user rated for interest, relevance, and helpfulness. The tools most commonly used by organizations for social learning purposes are wikis and social networking tools such as discussion boards, blogs, video uploading platforms, and podcasting. (more…)


Saving Customer Service Costs [Infographic]

Today’s socially enabled web is changing customer service and support. In fact, it is the very thing that has so many in Public Relations and Marketing scratching their heads. Service and support are the result of a medium (social media and social networking technology) that is bidirectional. Customers are not just in control of the message, they are expecting you to listen and act upon what you hear. (more…)

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