All posts in Social Business

Social Strategy Sandbox Podcast Update

We know there’s a lot coming your way.

How many white papers, videos, powerpoint decks and podcasts can you digest and still be productive day-to-day?

Our hope is that we can offer some easy-to-consume value in the form of podcast interviews with thought leaders and industry experts. Our goals for the Social Strategy Sandbox is 30 minutes of fun, value and actionable take-away.

Brand New Podcasts

Click here to subscribe to Social Strategy Sandbox; Blue circle with music note and text

Association Online Communities

Our most recent podcast is How Associations are Capitalizing on Online Communities with Joshua Paul, Director of Marketing and Strategy for Socious Software.  The discussion covered the use of online communities for member engagement and collaboration. We also covered how decisions are being made to plan and use online community software for Associations and non-profits.

YouTube Video Deep-Dive

Earlier in August we had the pleasure of a YouTube video deep dive with film producer, video production and marketing expert Torrey Loomis. One thing is certain. If you listen to this audio you will want to go do some video. YouTube is a powerful search engine and should be a business requirement. Learn how to avoid some common mistakes and where to start on Why Your YouTube Video Sucks (and what you can do about it).

Photo of Euan Semple

Coming in September: What’s Working Now In Social Business? A Global View

Want to join us live? Please do on September 12th at 10: 30 AM Pacific for What’s Working Now In Social Business? A Global View . I’m going to get to chat with consultant, author

and former Director of Knowledge Management for the BBC, Euan Semple. Mr. Semple has a great podcast series of his own about the use of the social web in business. Give it a listen and I’m sure you’ll see why we’re excited to have him on the Social Strategy Sandbox next month!





What is a social business ecosystem?

The ideal social business ecosystem is all of your people, information and processes connected in such a way as to waste less time finding the right person or the right answer.

The dictionary defines an ecosystem as any system of interconnecting and interacting parts, as in a business: The success of Apple’s ecosystem depends on hardware/software integration. Manufacturers, retailers, and customers are all part of the automotive industry’s ecosystem.

Social Business Ecosystem

It’s a simple way to look at it and makes sense when it comes to where social networking platforms can help people in a business of any size company. A functioning ecosystem is people sharing information easily and servicing customers efficiently.  The conversation among all stake-holders becomes accessible, making each part of the ecosystem truly connected to the other.

The scientific view, based on today’s technology, offers a more detailed explanation to what can be achieved in a business today.

  • A community of organisms together with their physical environment, viewed as a system of interacting and interdependent relationships and including such processes as the flow of energy through trophic level sand the cycling of chemical elements and compounds through living and nonliving components of the system.

    The American Heritage® Science Dictionary -

Sure, some of that is hard to apply to business as a concept but from a 50,000 foot cultural perspective, we see harmony, order and purpose. Businesses that are growing toward this objective are more fun places to work. They have engaged employees that treat customers better, fostering loyalty. They are not afraid to make mistakes or bring forth bold ideas.

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Portland high schools block social networking, video streaming sites #Fail

Over the next two weeks, Portland’s school district will install filtering software on laptops issued to high school students, in order to block access to pornography, social networking sites and video streaming sites when the laptops are at home.

The district will install filtering software made by Sophos, an Internet security company based in Boston. The software will be downloaded automatically when students boot up their computers at school. Only when students get home will they discover that their lives have changed in a big way.

No longer will they have access to social networking sites like Facebook and video-streaming sites like Hulu and YouTube. Also blocked will be forums and news groups, games, dating sites, gambling sites and chat rooms. – The Portland Press Herald

This will prove to be the wrong approach. It is incredible how a School District can make this kind of decision. It is further evidence that migrating from old ways of thinking in business and education will take considerable effort and visionary thinking.  Today learning can be reinforced online.



Social Media and Sales Relationships by Jon Ferrara

Free to view! Here is the recorded version of Jon Ferrara, CEO of Nimble, presenting and discussing  tips about how to work as an effective team by tracking and managing their contacts, prospects, activities, communications and sales forecasts, including:

Maximize marketing impact
More revenue in less time
The need for unified communication

This webcast is part of the 2012 C7group Business Thought Leadership Series. Watch the video below  or continue reading to learn more about Jon.

A social entrepreneur at heart, Jon founded GoldMine Software in 1989 where he served as the executive vice president of the company until he sold it in 2000. GoldMine is one of the all time best selling CRM products that helped pioneer the entire Sales Force Automation (SFA) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) market. During this time Jon was awarded the Earnst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award while GoldMine was named PC Magazine’s Editor’s Choice in 1993 and again in 1995, 1996 and 1997.

After selling GoldMine and watching the immense rise in power social media was experiencing, Jon entered the startup world again when he noticed a distinct lack of any products that effectively combined Relationship Management, Social Listening and Engagement, and Collaboration with Sales and Marketing. In 2009 Jon founded Nimble to create an extensive Social Business platform to fill this gap.

Jon Ferrara: Social Media and Sales Relationships from C7group on Vimeo.


The New Business As Usual by Euan Semple

This recorded webcast is part of the 2012 C7group Business Thought Leadership Series: Euan Semple leads a presentation about driving business, leveraging social media and the culture and workflow changes that are required. Watch Euan’s presentation below or read more about his background:

Euan Semple is one of the few people in the world who can turn the complex world of social networking into something we can all understand. And, at the same time, learn how to get the most from it. Ten years ago, while working in a senior position at the BBC, Semple was one of the first to introduce what have since become known as social media tools into a large, successful organization. He has subsequently had five years of unparalleled experience working with organizations such as Nokia, The World Bank and NATO He is a one-man digital upgrade option for us all to download. This world is changing fast, but he makes sense of it because he understands that the core basics remain the same: community, learning, interaction. He is a master story-teller who offers a host of practical tales about how this new world can work for real people in the real world. Author of Organizations Don’t Tweet, People Do: A Manager’s Guide to the Social Web.

Euan Semple: The New Business As Usual from C7group on Vimeo.


Social Learning and Employee Development by Halelly Azulay

Here is the recorded version of a valuable presentation and discussion with Halelly Azulay, CEO of TalentGrow from the 2012 Business Thought Leadership Webcast Series. Halelly Azulay discusses the realities of employee development and leveraging social networking and media for learner-driven, learner-generated employee education.

Halelly brings over 19 years of professional experience in the fields of workplace learning, performance, and communication with regulatory, corporate, government, non-profit, academic, and entrepreneurial clients. She is the author of Employee Development on a Shoestring (ASTD Press, 2012).



Which is more important–culture or strategy?

Our answer is clearly culture! We agree with Leslie Bradshaw at Jess3 (and we’re big fans). Is it really a choice though?  Paying appropriate attention to strategy and planning is part of an adaptive culture. We think that the modern social, digital business has an iterative process for regularly re-examining its own culture. (more…)


Moving the Needle. Using Social Media to Advance Your Business by Jason Falls

Did you get to participate in the live session of Moving the Needle. Using Social Media to Advance Your Business by Jason Falls? We’ve uploaded the video and the slide deck and opened the comments for discussion.

In this webcast you will learn about:

  • Developing a strategic plan for social media
  • Case studies of businesses using social media for business purposes
  • Tying the “conversation” with the “conversion” (more…)

Social Learning as an Employee Development Solution

Guest Post by workplace learning, performance, and communication expert Halelly Azulay, President of TalentGrow and author of  Employee Development on a Shoestring

Photo by arvindgrover via Flickr

What is Social Learning?

Social learning, or Learning 2.0, is a general name given to multiple collaborative online tools for sharing knowledge, building relationships, and interacting with content and with other members of the online community. These tools allow learners to learn independently, more quickly, and more efficiently, and to be more productive and effective as a result. Most of the content in these systems is user generated and user rated for interest, relevance, and helpfulness. The tools most commonly used by organizations for social learning purposes are wikis and social networking tools such as discussion boards, blogs, video uploading platforms, and podcasting. (more…)


Become A Business Change Agent: Thought Leadership Webcast Series

Image: hand deposits coin in piggy bank on grass outside with cloud backgroundSocial business requires change in more than your marketing department, are you ready?

There is a fundamental change in how we do business. Driven by the networked communication tools flourishing on the web, tools like YouTube, Facebook and LinkedIn, how we communicate with those who benefit from our services and how we organize ourselves productively are changing.

Being aware of these technologies is a very different thing from understanding them, actually using them, and knowing how to get the best out of them. This is before we even begin to touch on the subject of how to use them in a business context and how to “manage them”.

There is a genie that has been let out of the bottle and, just as with the invent of the wheel, the printing press or eight-Printing Press transition to social technology and social business workflow and culturetrack tape, there is little doubt that things will ever be the same again.

So given that this change is happening, and is almost certainly already beginning to happen inside and around your organization, what are you going to do about it? Are you going to revert to “business as usual” and continue to run your business in a conventional command and control way and talk to those you serve as passive consumers? Or are you going to embrace this new networked world, learn the ropes, and get ahead of your competition by getting those conversations with your staff and your customers started as soon as you can?

C7group is proud to present the 2012 Business Thought Leadership Webcast Series featuring foremost experts with leading perspectives about the social tools, technology and changing workflow in business today.

Registration is FREE.

2012 Business Thought Leadership Webcast Series featured presenters (As of Jan 20, 2012):

Jason Falls, Founder, Social Media Explorer
February 7, 2012 – 10:00 a.m. PST
Moving the Needle:  Using Social Media to Advance Your Business
Jason Falls will discuss developing a strategic plan for social media, case studies of companies using social media for business purposes and tying the “conversation” with the “conversion”.

Euan Semple, Director, Voice and
Thursday, February 23 – 3:00 p.m. PST
The New “Business as Usual”
Euan Semple will talk about about driving business by leveraging social media to change culture, re-design workflow and grow profit.

Halelly Azulay, CEO, TalentGrow
Tuesday, March 6 – 9:00 a.m. PST
Social Learning and Employee Development
Halelly Azulay will discuss the realities of employee development, leveraging social networking and media for learner-driven, learner-generated learning

Jon Ferrara, CEO, Nimble
Wednesday, March 21 – 10:00 a.m. PST
Social Media and Sales Relationships
Jon Ferrara will offer tips about how to work as an effective team by tracking and managing contacts, prospects, and activities. Specifically, how to maximize marketing impact, make more revenue in less time and the benefits of unified communication.

You can Register Here. or Learn more about C7group Services.

Do you have thoughts on questions you’d like a featured presenters to answer? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter!

You can also email if you have a request or recommendation for thought leaders that should be a part of the 2012 Business Thought Leadership Webcast Series .

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